Okay. Here's a tiny sampling from what I'm working on... Offered humbly for your respectfully equal constructive criticism and/or de-constructive witticism. I'm somewhat, if not all ways keenly aware of my errors.
now for something not nigh-completely different
We haven't
left the topic of “dietary considerations” in this chapter of
“religion” at any point. Connection: the dogma of fear under the
banner of “old glory” is a religion that unites the industrial
militarist states of Amerigo Vespucci. Connection(speculative):
children are dying from all causes within the borders of Gaza at a
rate more highly concentrated than anywhere else on the globe...
There are no coincidences. This is the tithe you pay for the religion
of “he who has the gold makes the rules”, “money is power, and
might makes right”. A religion based on fear of honest questions. A
religion based on unyielding faith in the “ever-beneficent”
wizard(s) behind the DARPA-engineered fiber optic media curtain(eat
your heart out, soviet Russia). This is the US-American
(anti-)religion. This is the melting pot, turned into a powder-keg
after sitting on the burner precisely 1 century past the last drop of
steam to escape. The federal reserve begat the military industrial
complex. The military industrial complex begat corporate heads of
state. The corporate heads of state begat repressive
resent-atives(repress-anti-tives?). The resent-atives begat puppet
shows. And your political scene took on the intellectual theme of
“Telletubbies”. Your current master of puppets has risen to
notoriety under the catchphrase “yes we can”(record that phrase
and play it in reverse for a laugh sometime), echoed under purely
Utopian(fancy and artfully masterful) banners of “hope” and
“change”. The public continues to seem enamored by this giggling
black baby, serving his (hopefully ONLY) 8 years as the sun of your
united ignorance... Yes, I pointed out that he's black. It's
“progressive” of the producers to cast a “minority”. The
grown-ups know how market demographics operate, and you're the
biggest sucker in the universe if you thought that Mitt wasn't just
the catcher in the rye who lost the game without even playing.
McCain, or his next comic book villain equivalent will be back again
to play bogeyman in the next chapter. Those awkward boners just seem
to pop up every reap year for the big gay sword fight your country
terms “erections”. Excuse me, I lapsed into the voice of an old
Chinese business man for a moment there, I meant “elections”.
Hopefully you'll forgive me. I'm also informed that “gay” means
something more than just “happy”. My cultural advisor in AIPAC
will be dragged offstage and shot by other payroll minions for your
appeasement. C'est la vie. All's fair in love and business, eh? Hey,
let's catch the back 9 and knock back some brews before our
Builder-bob meeting... I need to be real mellow before they start
throwing around words like “austerity” that I just can't be made
to give a shit about.
train wreck.
what I would call a paragraph that begins with “we” and ends in a
sarcastic, semi-fictional “I”... and the rest of this emerging
seemingly irreverent cat's-ass-trophy. I'll say this in defense of my
book: It's no hairball, but it's got some harbles. Books are
inherently escapist, even when they delve into the abstractions of
technicality under the heading of “non-fiction”. You are now and
forever right here, right now. If you're learning, you're passing
into the future of your own imagining. If you're regressing, you're
charging headfirst to an early grave. Either way, you are moving your
eyes over these symbols in order to experience something which you
are not inherently perceiving in your relative “now”. If you're
seeing this sentence, you have validated my existence as a writer,
and I am feeling finer than Dostoevsky ever did in his day. Thank