Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Re-Imagining the World in which We Live: Part 1: Indentifying Some Problems

I'm a bit lost as to where I should start on this(or any) subject... dyslexia is a marvelous curse.

I feel it might be necessary to reflect on briefly on some points where culture has gone wrong. It seems quite obvious to me that the very concept of personality in this culture has been reduced to which "savvy" consumer choices we make. We're divided by such petty things as whether or not our clothes come from Slave-Mart or our "local" globalist shopping maul... and within the maul, people are further divided by whether they shop at, for example, Hot Topic or the Gap(both owned by the same company)... Wherever you buy clothes you always think of them as coming from that store... Never-mind that there are breathing people, sewing these things together, working 80 hour weeks while practically starving.

We're inundated with technology that serves nothing but an endless lust for entertainment. We don't think about how the minerals for the circuitry were mined by children at gunpoint... or how the person manufacturing your iphone probably committed suicide because of dehumanizing labor conditions.

As Americans, we're all but completely removed from this planet in regards to food. They say: America runs on Dunkin... well Dunkin runs on slave labor.
"Oh, but I only get espresso beverages from them, and their espresso is Fair Trade certified"
Well, pay attention. Many Dunkin locations take advantage of immigrants here on work visas by either shorting them on payroll hours, or avoid paying them any overtime by running them 40 hours a week at two different locations. Slavery. In THIS country. It happens much more than anybody talks about.

Do you eat meat? Do you know that at least 80% of meat in this country comes from massive industrial "farms"? They bus in human beings from Mexico(coyote-style, not through work-visas) where they work in slaughterhouses with extremely high rates of on-job dismemberment and death... Check out Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser... or at least watch the movie if books aren't your thing.

By the way, have you bought anything "Made in America" lately? If it's not a gun or bullet, it's more than likely made by people in prison. Here is another plug for Schlosser. Check out "The Prison-Industrial Complex" ( http://www.ems.ucsb.edu/people/rightmire/ling12/Eric_Schlosser_Ling12_S10.pdf )

Have you heard that there's an environmental crisis? No, not global warming... Pollution. You can't reduce environmentalism to Co2 emissions. You personally emit Co2 every time you exhale. Plant's require Co2 in order to grow. Co2 emissions are not the cause of global warming, and they're not even hardly the worst thing being released into the stratosphere. Pollution is the problem. Co2 is within the circle of life, it's not the factor we have to worry about.
What's going on with our air? Well... Here's an interesting looking article: http://www.nutramed.com/environment/carschemicals.htm ....
"A short list of the likely pathogens in car exhaust:
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Sulphur dioxide
  • Suspended particles, PM-10 particles less than 10 microns in size.
  • Benzene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Polycyclic hydrocarbons"
...All of those things sound much worse than Co2... and what's this? http://clareswinney.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/chemtrail-chemicals-confirmed-barium-aluminium-found-in-whangarei-nz-rainwater/ Aluminum, arsenic, barium and boron? Why do jets need to be dumping THAT into the air? And back to the meat industry, where do all those methane cow farts go?

Water: All water is One water. Would you drink water that had been sitting with batteries in it? Would you bathe in a tub with discarded cell phones? Would you boil plastic bottles in a soup for your kin? Toxic waste isn't just an inevitable result of using coal and nuclear energy(which is the entire power grid of society). It's also every phone and battery that gets buried in a landfill, every big and little oil spill, and speck of plastic in existence...

 Check this out: http://www.healthandenvironment.org/articles/homepage/1886
how about this?: http://www.hometownhazards.com/2007/08/cancer-cluster-confirmed-near-coal.html
This is interesting as well: http://brainz.org/10-most-toxic-places-earth/

People are dropping like flies to AIDS and cancer, and we're supposed to believe the problem is too many people... that there's an "overpopulation crisis"... There isn't. http://overpopulationisamyth.com/

The problem is not that every person eats, the problem is that not every person grows food. The problem is not that every person shits, the problem is that not every person has the slightest idea where shit goes... and how could we?

Obviously we HAVE to continue working at jobs we dislike for less than we consider fair pay... Obviously we don't have the right to simply live on a piece of land and be self-sustainable... We NEED money, obviously. Obviously we NEED to arrest people for what they choose to put in their own bodies. We obviously need to have police in every town to shoo away the smelly poor people. We obviously need these police to use violent force against people who are causing no physical harm to anyone else. Obviously. Obviously. Obviously... Obviously you can't cash a person's work check without their thumb print and verified address and signature. Obviously you don't deserve a place to sleep if you don't have a job. Obviously you need a stable address in order to work. Obviously you need a car because obviously there are no residences in walking distance to your employer, and obviously they shouldn't have to lift a finger to transport their workers to the job site. And obviously, since you drive a car, you obviously need to pay all the associated fees and taxes, and make sure your permission slip to drive is up to date. Obviously, you must carry documentation to confirm your identity at all times. Obviously you can't work without a social security number because obviously the government has the right to unlawfully tax your living wages. Obviously, you need to worry about your credit score because obviously if you don't have the right imaginary number on the right computer screen you obviously can't rent a vehicle or living space. Obviously you can't smoke in your own residence, because obviously rental companies are becoming by and large the only means of getting an apartment and obviously they'll evict you for doing something legal in space you pay to live in. Obviously, we need fences between us and every tree because obviously someone owns that land and obviously if you decide to climb that tree you're obviously going to fall off and obviously going to sue and win against the obvious owner of the land...

If you think you have the slightest idea of how insane this culture is, you're hardly even scratching the surface...

1 comment:

  1. I think you've done quite well here actually. Keep it coming man, you're too smart to not get it out there.
